Uniunea Europeana Guvernul Romaniei POS Mediu Consiliul Judetean Covasna Instrumente structurale
Proper Management of the Bodoc-Baraolt Mountains, Ciocaș -Vițelului Hills and Ciomad-Balvanyos

Ciocaș -Vițelului Hills

Ciocaș -Vițelului Hills

Ciocaș-Vițelului Hills 

The Site of Community Importance (SCI) has a surface area of 917 ha. The site overlaps with the Bodoc- Baraolt Mountains Natura 2000 site. The area has a wide range of scientific, biological, geological, and archaeological values. On the Tyiszk hill were discovered the archaeological remains of the Ariuşd culture. It is an area with high hills, home to many steppe species. Steppe plant species are located on the southern and western slopes of the Ciocaş, Beldie and Viţelului hills. In the site there is a priority habitat of European interest (in danger of disappearing), we can also find peri-Pannonian sub continental shrubs and six species of Community interest.


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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.
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